Materials needed:
- 8 paper sheets ~A5 for the cake bottoms
- 8 paper sheets ~A5 for the cake tops
- Glue
- Scissors
- Ruler & Pencil
- Tape (optional)
In this Step by Step Tutorial I will show you how to make a paper cake out of 8 cake boxes. Click on the image to get to the video:
I recommend the measurements on the following patterns for an 8 piece cake. You can make the cake higher by increasing the height of the bottom cake rectangles (from 3cm to 4cm or 5cm).
For a 10 pieces cake the bottom triangle would be 7cm wide and 10.6cm high (compared to 8.6cm for 8 pieces cake). The top triangle would be 7.2cm wide and 10.7cm high.
I also like the cake slice template generator from to make cake templates.